If you like art quilts, you'll like this post. After 14 months, the Loose Threads art group had our Whisper Challenge reveal. We invited friends and guild members to see what we've been working on. There are 7 of us--Anna Koelewyn, Grace Hoya, Sara Kelly, Karen Taber, Janice Minyard, Barbara Sawyer and myself. We each started with a photo that we picked and made a quilt using that photo as inspiration. We then passed on to the next person pass on their quilt to the next person on the list. That person was to use that quilt as inspiration and then give the quilt back to the maker and the quilt they made to the next person on the list. They had to use that quilt for inspiration, and so on. So we had no idea what came before the quilt that we received. It's interesting to see how the quilts morphed. So below I'll show the inspiration picture and then the whole thread of quilts from that picture in a row and then each quilt separately....