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Vintage Moments is finished at last

Finally.  This was a class I took last year at Thimble Town with Anna Koelewyn as the teacher.  We met once a month for 6 months.  This is the 2nd Vintage Moments quilt I've made.  The first one my husband named "Holy Cucaracha, The Mexican Velvet Art You Buy at a Flea Market".  He hates the colors and fabric, but loves the design and size.  So this one I made 'manly' with batiks and earthy colors.  Then once it was done, I waited until I went to Road to California to buy a wide piece of batik for the back and then I had to find time to pin this bad boy and then to quilt it.  Here's some close ups of the quilting.  I did a lot of 'ferny' background quilting and fern feathers.  I had to hurry to finish it so I could enter it into the Best of the Valley quilt show which the deadline is this Friday.

Glad this one is done.  Now I have to pin my green and white quilt and get that done - my goal is by St. Patrick's Day.  (2013 maybe?)

Thanks for looking.  Oh yea, this was on my resolution quilt list!


  1. Congratulations!! I can hardly wait to see it in person!

  2. Barbara - It's beautiful. Can't wait to see it in person. Linda

  3. Oh, Barbara, this is just beautiful!

  4. Magnificent! Worthy of lots of ribbons!

  5. Just curious....Does your husband have an equally entertaining name for this quilt? The other name was hysterical. Something only a guy could come up with :-).

  6. Hi Barbara,

    I just nominated you for a Liebster award. If you swing by my blog, you'll find an explanation.

  7. That quilt is gorgeous and you did an amazing job on your quilting!

  8. This is so beautiful! I made one a couple of years ago with a big feathered star in the center. I love it. It's still not quilted though. I love the quilting you did on this!


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