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Catching Up - lots of pictures

Quick update on my dad.  He spent 6 weeks in a wonderful rehab center and is at home with full-time home health care and getting physical and occupational therapy at home.  I am finally home and adjusting to a new type of life (still no job but some interviews lined up).  He's a remarkable man with a strong will to live.

It's finally cooling off around here so showing a fall topper I finally finished is appropriate.  I've been working on this on and off for about a year.  It's all wool except for the backing.  The patterns and some of the wools were purchased during my New England trip about 6 years ago.  It's about time I got around to getting it done.

So it's my guild's boutique time and usually spend the month of September making stuff for the boutique.  Here are some things I was able to work on while caring for my dad. 

The tulip quilt and pumpkin quilts were from Fig Tree's Little Box of Figs a few years ago.  I cut these out a few months ago so was able just to grab the pattern and sew when I had the time.

 Reading Pillows.
 Lace zipper cosmetic bags. 
 These are jar openers.
 Composition book cork covers.

I made some other stuff throughout the year plus stuff that didn't sell last year.  I also will have about 15 quilts for sale on consignment. 

I have also been cross stitching.  Something I did while sitting at the rehab with my dad and at night after I got home  Here are a couple of finishes. 

And to top all this wonderfulness up, my husband found a dog in the middle of the road.  He took him around town to see if he was chipped (he was not) and there was no collar, and finally did find the owner who after some mean words about me (because she kept saying her lost dog was a girl dog and this was not a girl for sure so I didn't believe her at first) she said we can keep him.  So we named him Hurley (the street my hubby found him on).  So meet Hurley!

He's a cuddler and such a cutie pie.  Hard not to fall in love with him.  We do need to get him to stop chewing on stuff.  But Needle did that at first and got over it.  He's a smart little boy too.  I love him already.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Great quilting projects and cute dog!! You made the best us of your time while staying with your dad. Glad to hear he's doing better.


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