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Fall Finish and I did a binding tutorial

The pattern for this quilt is from Fig Tree & Co. and the pattern is called Jelly Girl.  It was pretty easy but due to either my seams being inaccurate or I measured from the outside of the jelly roll strips and they measured from the inside (you know the pinked edges), the triangles around each hexagon were too small.  Luckily I had enough of the light to cut more.
So what does one do with the incorrectly cut triangles, well I added the pieced border (that is not originally on the pattern).  Also luckily I bought some matching solid 5" strips when I bought the jelly roll.
Here's a close up of how I quilted it.

And at guild last week a few ladies asked me how I finish off my bindings so I thought I would try my hand at a tutorial.  It's not a video, not ready to do that plus I usually sew in my pajama's and you don't want to see that.  Click on the tab above to check it out.

Will be having a busy weekend.  Friday night is Party Party Party at the local quilt store (aka CutThroat Quilters).  We usually stay until 2 but since I have to be up early on Saturday to go to Pacific International Quilt Festival in Santa Clara (about a 3 hour drive), I won't stay that long.  Then on Sunday, my hubby, in-laws and I head up to Livermore for our grandson's first birthday party.  So stay tuned for some great PIQF Show pictures and some cute cute cute baby pictures.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Great tutorial! Your photos were perfect. Maybe you could teach me how to create one?

  2. Very pretty quilt. Keep them coming.

  3. Love the quilt and the tutorial. That is exactly how I do my bindings:)

  4. Great tutorial. You're on your way as a teacher. Go for it!!!!


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