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Visalia Dames Retreat (and some)

A new "mini-semi-quasi-friendship group" Visalia Dames had a retreat in Visalia this past weekend.  We had room for a couple extra people so we invited them as well.  It was in our little home in Cambria and it was just a spectacular weekend weather-wise and every other way too.  We all got so much done, the conversations were interesting, and the food , oh the food.  So much food.  Good food.
Anyway here's what we accomplished this weekend.

The first person to finish something was Deolinda.  She finished the veggie/fruit coasters first and then the baby quilt (middle picture) and then the rose quilt after that.  Before we left she was working on her Raider quilt but didn't finish that.

Barbara Brown worked all weekend on the binding on the brown/blue quilt.  She had to sew the binding down and hand sew the binding down.  And in between that she whipped up this sweet little flannel quilt top.  Just adorbs.

Debbie had all the applique pieces turned and glued down and spent most of the weekend zig zagging four borders of a quilt top down (the picture above is just one border I copied 3 times.)  I cant' wait to see the full quilt when finished - stunning.

Kathy has a sweet little granddaughter Georgia who is having her 5th birthday this week.  Each year she makes her granddaughter a quilt - this year it's this ruffle quilt all made with vintage sheets.  It's so beautiful in real life and this picture doesn't do it justice.  She also made her the lounging capri pants and almost finished the "flowere dress/pant" outfit.  Can't wait to see a picture with her in it.

Janice machine quilted this quilt for her teachers aid and she also made 20 pillow cases for her students.  (No photos.) She's a high school math teacher and every year she gives one of her classes a little gift at the end of the year - the last few years she's made pillow cases.  This is her last year teaching (she's retiring and moving to the coast and we are all very jealous).

I too got a lot accomplished.  I finished a purse which I started at the last Party Party Party, on my resolution list, I made the twister quilt (top right), Halloween quilt which was a kit, and the 3rd of 12 "vintage postcard" quilt tops.  None of the quilts are quilted - I just got the tops done.

Elaine was there and she worked studiously on her calendar quilt tops but she didn't finish either of them (she worked on 2).  She's a perfectionist and takes such time and care with all her pieces.

Anyway - a wonderfully productive weekend.  Oh, we did take several walks and breathed fresh air instead of staying inside sewing all the time.  We also watched a few movies, saw the big "wedding" (the next morning of course) and American Idol on Thursday night.

Now, I have to figure out some days to take my sis-in-law, niece and nephew to the coast because we had such fun last time and the girls want to go back in July.

While gone this weekend, another friend of mine started a blog.  A put her link on the right of my blog.  Her blog name is "Sew Much Fun".  Check our her work and send her some love. 

Thanks for looking.


  1. Everybody seemed to have a very productive time. So many beautiful creations!! We were over on the Central Coast this weekend, too, and you couldn't have asked for more perfect weather.

  2. Wow, what great work. Thanks for the support with my blog :)


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